Cultural heritage Imaging provide a series of resources to help explain and understand reflectance transformation imaging systems. Their resources include:
The Reflectance Transformation Imaging technique was developed at Hewlett Packard labs, with information available from their Polynomial Texture Map page, including the original software.
How-To guides
- using our domes – by Klaus
Examples using our systems
- CDLI seals/cuneiform examples in UCLA, by Klaus
- Sespoa website with seals images using our systems
- Cuneiform imaging with our dome at The John Rylands Library in Manchester
Useful Videos
- Youtube video with some off-screen examples by Kirk
- Papyrus example from Cultural Heritage Imaging (CHI)
- Example on lithography from Crete
- Manuscript from National Library of Wales
- our paper on the SIANE seals imaging – in Archeaeopress 2018
- BBC article about our Seals project including Oxford’s work on recognition, 2018
- RTI paper with the RTISAD team for the EVA conference, 2011
- early paper on PTM with Graeme Earl and Tom Malzbender, 2010
- The Digital Classicist article on rti
- Historic England document on multi-light imaging – showing our domes and RTI tripod rig
- UCLA Cuneiform Digital Library
- The Register article
- Unlocking the Past – article by Oxford UNiversity
- SESPOA article using our seal imaging system and Bibliotheque Nationale de France seals
- University of York paper on RTI imaging of Runes using dome8
Useful info and related work
- Wikipedia on PTM
- http://culturalheritageimaging.org – forum and useful guides
- RTI on Lithics
- University of Minnesota RTI experiments
- West Semitic Research Project
- RTI on fosils