
The RTI domes use a mixture of software common to most RTI projects plus some custom programs to help with the workflow from the camera to the output. See our quick video on one workflow.

RTI software

RTI Card Importer

This (Windows only) utility supports the copying of images from a memory card into the standard RTI file/directory hierarchy for processing using the rest of the software. Download (Windows) you may need to download microsoft .net Runtime if it fails to install. Documentation here.

RTI Processor

This (Windows only and .net required as above) utility creates a ptm from an image tree. It manages the process of combining the configuration file for the dome and the images captured for a specify object. Documentation download here. Get it, unzip it somehwre convenient and run setup once. Download

Note! you can not have spaces in the folder names… so c:\my area\images fails.

PTM Fitter

John Cupitt has optimised the ptmfitter to use multiple cores and less memory – resulting in a good speed-up for creating PTMs. It can fit 76 D800 36Mpixel images in 50s. At the moment it is incompatible with RTIbuilder but we’re working on it Download Win10 version and put it into a new folder C:\Programs\ptmfit as that’s the default for RTI Processor.

RTI workflow (new!)

This is our all-in-one import-process code written in Python. Not complete yet but usable. Main gains: saves settings and allows a crop. You have to download the zip file and unpack it somewhere – then run the app.exe application. See our workflow video. Thanks to Ben Thompson for this integrated code.

RTI Builder (Universidade do Minho and CHI)

RTIBuilder is used to generate the lp configuration files used to locate the LEDs in 3D space. You need to use this if you move your lights/rebuild your dome. Don’t forget to install Java. We use this with the original HP ptmfitter.


The RTIViewer (from CNR Pisa) (or from CHI site) is the normal way to view these images on Mac/Windows. It provides extra viewing features which are useful for enhancing the image.

Web Viewers

Gianpaolo’s web viewer allows RTI images to be viewed in a web browser. This is useful as machines without the RTIViewer installed can be used.